
Jobs at UNDP in Uganda- Coordination Specialist

Location :     Kampala, UGANDA
Application Deadline :    12-Oct-12
Additional Category    HIV/AIDS
Type of Contract :    Individual Contract
Post Level :    National Consultant
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)    05-Nov-2012
Duration of Initial Contract :    12 months
Expected Duration of Assignment :    12 months
Refer a Friend  Apply Now

The UN Country Team (UNCT) in Uganda is supporting the Government of Uganda in addressing key development challenges based on the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and the Government of Uganda’s five-year National Development Plan (NDP).  This is in line with the UN Reforms, the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action. Accordingly, upon request of the Government, the UNCT has adopted a “Delivering as One” approach to enable UN in Uganda to respond jointly and more effectively to national development priorities and its mandate. The UNCT in Uganda has identified a number of areas for joint programming, including several joint programmes as a key implementation modality for the UNDAF. One of these is a Joint UN Programme of Support on AIDS (JUPSA) that brings together the efforts and resources of UN system organizations to support the national AIDS response.

Within this context, UNAIDS through UNDP is looking for a dynamic and experimented Co-ordination Specialist to support the activities of the UN Joint Team on AIDS and management of the Joint Programme. The selected candidate will work under the supervision of the UNAIDS Country Coordinator and work closely with the JUPSA Core Management Group.

Duties and Responsibilities

Coordinate the UN Joint Team to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate the  JUPSA:

    Prepare annual consolidated work plans and reports for submission to the Government of Uganda, through the Resident Coordinator’s Office, as well as periodic narrative and financial progress reports as per the Joint Programme document.
    Co-ordinate participating agencies in annual work planning, review and reporting processes in line with the agreed monitoring and evaluation framework of the Joint Programme, within the context of the UNDAF.
    Support regular fund disbursement to partners through the pass-through funding modality and report on sources and uses of donor contributions received.
    Liaise regularly with the Resident Coordinator’s Office to provide regular progress reports and briefings to the UNCT members; and with the UNAIDS HQs, Joint Team, Administrative Agent to ensure timely reporting, disbursements and accountability.
    Facilitate knowledge building and results-based change management, through identifying and synthesizing best practices and lessons learned on effective implementation of the Joint Programme in the context of overall UN reform and Delivering as One as a UN System in Uganda.
    Ensure an operational and update JUPSA eMIS.
    Provide managerial, advisory and technical support to all participating UN agencies in the areas of programme development and implementation, fund management, monitoring and evaluation.
    Facilitate peer learning, dissemination of good practice and information exchange among members.

Provide technical support for the implementation of UCO workplan:

    Ensure harmonization of priorities and activities between JUPSA and UCO workplans.
    Participate and contribute to UNAIDS Country Office planning, review and reporting
    Provide sectional reports on top tasks that relate to both JUPSA and UCO workplan
    Participate in the mid-year and end of year review and consolidate reports.

 Provide Secretariat and coordination to the forum of AIDS Development Partners:

    Participate and contribute to AIDS Development Partners Group (ADPG) planning, review and reporting
    Ensure coordination with national stakeholders and other development partners in the implementation of the UN Joint Programme on AIDS.
    Work as a focal person between ADPG and UCO and ensure timely update and communication.

Perform any other related tasks that may be required

Key deliverables:

    Production of mid-year and annual consolidated reports.
    Production of reports on workshops, retreats and trainings undertaken by the Joint Team.
    Consolidated annual workplans, implementation and review reports – programmatic and financial.
    Meeting reports of the Joint Team, Core management Group, Joint Steering Committee and ADPG.


Key Competencies:

    A keen interest in helping make development policies more effective and commitment to excellence, Self-Management/Emotional Intelligence.
    Intellectual curiosity, analytical, strategic thinking and capacity to take initiative.
    The ability to multi-task, prioritize, establish and maintain effective and harmonious working relations in a multicultural environment, to delegate work appropriately and to co-operate generously with others, while working under pressure, and having to meet strict deadlines.
    Proven ability to deal with politically sensitive issues in dialogue with decision-makers including effective communication. Strong interpersonal and communication skills
    Proven ability to manage, organise dialogue, conduct fact-finding missions , learn, and disseminate results to a variety of audiences.
    Ability to contribute to the identification and solution of Joint Programme-wide management issues.
    Developing People/Coaching and Mentoring & Fostering Innovation and Empowerment.

Functional Competencies:

    Results based programme development and management
    Leveraging the resources of partners / building strategic alliances and partnerships
    Job Knowledge /technical expertise

Required Skills and Experience

    A master’s degree in either Economics, Social Sciences, Statistics or Public Health with a specialized post-graduate training in the assessment, planning, design, management, monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS programmes.


    At least eight (8) years of relevant experience at national levels in the area of HIV and AIDS monitoring and evaluation.
    The candidate should have worked/have experience in managing and coordination of Joint Programmes with an appreciation of the operations of the UN Joint team and programme, the pass through funding modalities and reporting procedures.
    Excellent understanding of the country M&E environment and the national HIV response.
    Evidence of joint planning / programming, budgeting, reporting, with at least knowledge and or participation in preparation of national and international reports.
     Strong results-based programme management experience, with particular focus on strategic planning, budgeting and capacity building.
    Proven achievement in managing a complex multi-partner, cross sector and cross cutting initiative is essential.

Language requirements:

    Fluency in English (both written and spoken)

How to Apply:
Applicants are requested to apply online at by the 12th October, 2012, and should submit an application and proposals, which include the following:

Job Proposal:

The job proposal should include:

    Letter of Interest.
    Explanation as to why you consider yourself suitable for the assignment.
    A brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment.

Personal CV:

    Highlighting past experience in similar projects.
    Work references - contact details (e-mail addresses and telephone numbers) of referees.

Deadline: 12th Oct 2012

Jobs at UNDP in Uganda- Consultants

Location :     Kampala, UGANDA
Application Deadline :    10-Oct-12
Additional Category    Management
Type of Contract :    Individual Contract
Post Level :    National Consultant
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)    05-Nov-2012
Duration of Initial Contract :    24 working days
Expected Duration of Assignment :    24 working days

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Uganda is supporting implementation of the Government’s National Development Plan (NDP) and is contributing to the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF 2010-2014) outcomes through six Country Programme Action Programme (CPAP 2010 - 2014) outcomes namely:

    Selected institutions at national and sub-national level have capacity and delivery credible elections
    Selected institutions capacitated to deliver community security and access to justice services
    Capacity of selected local governments and oversight entities have capacity and deliver accountable, inclusive, and demand-driven social and economic services
    Increased productivity, competitiveness and employment in selected sub sectors, particularly benefiting women and youth.
    National and local institutions have capacity to develop, implement and monitor pro-poor and Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) responsive policies/strategies.
    Selected institutions have capacity for Sustainable Environment and Natural Resources Management (ENRM) as well as Climate Change (CC) Adaptation and Mitigation.

Implementation of the CPAP is being delivered through two main programme components: 1) Accountable democratic governance and 2) growth and poverty reduction. While the design of the CPAP was informed by a comprehensive Assessment of Development Results (ADR) exercise (September, 2009), commencement of its implementation was delayed (2011) due to various unforeseen circumstances, including, the recently (2012) concluded Country Office (CO) transformation process which resulted in a CO scenario of predominantly new staff. Similarly, considering the shift in programming focus of the new CPAP, majority of Implementing Partners are also new to UNDP programming policies, procedures and processes, a situation that has caused substantive delays in the roll out of the CPAP. There are concerns that unless there's improved focus and prioritization of the CPAP and systematic linkages between CO programme units work, personal and organizational accountability and; increased efficacy of Programme operations it will be difficult to deliver the intended CPAP development results.

In order to ascertain whether CPAP implementation is on track in demonstrating evaluative evidence of UNDP’s contributions to the UNDAF and NDP results, the CO wishes to undertake a results based mid-term review and assessment of programme implementation, to critically examine opportunities and constraints to the ongoing CPAP implementation strategy, CO programming and provide recommendations to enhance programme delivery and overall development effectiveness. Further to this review exercise is expected to build on the outcome of the on-going UNDAF mid-term review.

CPAP Review Objectives and Key Questions:

The key objective of this review is to assess whether CPAP implementation is on track as well as ascertain the extent of achievement of programme results, and draw lessons that can both improve the sustainability of benefits which will inform the overall enhancement of UNDP programming. The annual review will be done to track progress of UNDP CPAP results at the agency outcomes and outputs levels.  The specific objectives include:

    To ensure that the CPAP (2010-2014) programming processes, products and services are/will contribute to the achievement of planned results.
    Ascertain that accountability for results is clearly defined and that relevant systematic quality control, monitoring, self-assessment and reporting systems are in place.
    Provide/recommend a strategy(ies) for corrective action as may be necessary;
    Support CO substantive accountability function to targeted beneficiaries and serve as a vehicle for quality assurance of UNDP interventions at the country level
    Generate lessons to inform current and future UNDP Country Office programming

Duties and Responsibilities

This CO CPAP programming and operations review is intended to enhance UNDP's development effectiveness and project quality; be responsive to the prevailing development context, operational challenges and/or opportunities and; complementary to existing internal control, supervision, audit, quality control, and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems in place.

The annual review will specifically address the following key questions:

    Analysis of the effectiveness of the CPAP focus and/or progress towards expected Programme results:  What progress has been made towards the realization of UNDP CPAP Outcomes and Outputs and in terms of indicators as reflected in the UNDP Country Office integrated work plans from 2011 to 2012? What are the main factors that contributed to the realization or non-realization of these outcomes and outputs (emerging operational challenges and/or opportunities)?  Focus should also be on management and implementation arrangements in light of the CPAP cycle and the principles of results based management and accountability mechanisms as contextualized in Programme and Operations Policy and Procedures (POPPs) and the Internal Control Framework, respectively.
    Relevance of expected results and adequacy of CPAP focus:  To what extent are the UNDP CPAP Outcomes and Outputs still relevant to UNDAF and Uganda’s NDP?  What are the other areas of concern/issues that fall under the UNDP mandate that should be considered as possible contribution to the United Nations (UN) in Uganda, if any?
    Assess the contribution of the current joint programmes to the achievement of the UNDP outcomes/outputs.  Identify new opportunities for convergence and synergies across agencies programmes, joint programmes and M&E activities.
    Sustainability: To what extent are there financial, institutional, social-economic, and/or environmental mechanisms and risks to sustaining long-term project results? What is the status/relevance of the stated UNDP Country Office risks and assumptions? What are the new risks and assumptions, if any?
    What are the key best practices and success stories in the realization of the targeted results up to 2014?
    Assess whether there any necessary revisions to programme approach, cross-cutting strategies, partnerships, resource mobilization/allocations and the M&E Plan?
    What are the recommendations for follow-up in 2012-2014?  Recommendations should be based on the above analysis, for changes and improvements in the UNDP CPAP implementation/management/operational policies/procedures, the functioning of the programme delivery/accountability mechanisms, and its operating and administrative procedures.

Review Approach / Methodology:

The consultants are  expected to frame the review effort using the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact, as defined and explained in the UNDP Guidance for Conducting reviews/ Evaluations of UNDP-supported projects. A set of questions covering each of these criteria have been drafted and are included in this ToR. This review must provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful.

The consultants are expected to follow a participatory and consultative approach ensuring close engagement with stakeholders including project beneficiaries, implementing partners, senior management, programme staff to assess CPAP implementation strategy and operational modalities. The review will include a CPAP stakeholder consultation process. This consultation is envisaged to include two phases. The first phase will be internal to UNDP while the second phase will include the wider CPAP stakeholders’ community.

There will be a review of all relevant sources of information, such as the project documents, project reports, project budget revisions, midterm review, progress reports, tracking tools, project files, national strategic and legal documents, and any other material that the reviewer considers useful for this evidence-based assessment.  Key programme documents will be provided to the consultants.

In addition, interviews with key informants and stakeholders will be held. Questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions, Interviews, Field visits, Observations, Participation of partners and Benchmarking should be used.

Implementation Arrangements:

The principal responsibility for managing this review resides with the UNDP Country Office in Uganda. The UNDP Country Office will contract the consultants and ensure the timely provision of travel (including per diems) arrangements within the country for the review team. The Project Implementing partners will be responsible for liaising with the consultancy team to set up stakeholder interviews, arrange field visits and coordinate with the Government. The CPAP annual review consultants will be under the direct supervision of UNDP Country Office Senior Management with operational support by the Management Support Unit.

Evaluation Deliverables:

The review team is expected to deliver the following Deliverable  Content Responsibilities:

    Inception Report
    Presentation (Initial Findings will be presented to UNDP Country Office, then at the Stakeholders meeting in Kampala)
    Draft Final Report (Full report, with annexes)
    Final report (40 pages, MS word font 12, Times Roman (excluding annexes),including  5 bound hard copies and 1 Soft copy)

 Team Composition:

The review team will be composed of two national consultants one of whom will be the Lead/ Team Leader and the 2nd Consultant, who will be the Support Consutlant. The consultants shall have prior experience in reviewing and/or evaluating similar programmes /projects.

General Description of Responsibilities :

Present and discuss an inception Report with the programme Team.  This report should include, but not limited to:

     Detailed Work Plan Schedule – based on the draft schedule shown below;
    Detailed Data Collection Methodology
    Data Collection Tools

Conduct desk review - collect and analyze:

    Project data
    Programme annual work plans, reports, studies and other pertinent documents
    Progress against the UNDAF results (Outcomes, Agency Outcome, Outputs) and indicators.
    2010 and 2011 UNDAF Annual Review Reports other related documents

Conduct participatory processes in data collection:

    Meet with the programme staff to solicit input and feedback into the review
    Conduct field visits to validate reported results

Collect best practices/success stories from various projects on how they have increased efficiency and effectiveness in development activities such as, but not limited to:

    Achieving collective UNDAF/NDP results
    UN engagement in the national development strategy
    Effectiveness of joint programmes and joint programming in achieving results, etc.

Present report findings to UNDP staff:

    Discuss findings with the UNDP management during the review process
    Make a final presentation to UNDP staff during the CPAP review retreat.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities of Team Leader:

The Team Leader will have overall responsibility for the work and operation of the review team, including the coordination of inputs from National Consultant and stakeholders.  The Team Leader is responsible and overall accountable for the production of the agreed products.

In addition to the above the Team Leader is responsible for the following:

    Review of programme documentation (implementation/evaluation reports etc)
    Conducting fieldwork together with the national consultant and interview of implementing partners, other stakeholders, national and local Government officials, and communities to generate authentic information and opinions.
    Writing and compilation of the information and reports as needed.
    Responsibility for presentation of key findings highlighting achievements and constraints, and making practical recommendations to decision makers and stakeholders.
    Finalization of the CPAP Report.

Specific Duties of the 2nd (Support)  Consultant:

The Support  Consultant will support the Lead Consultant and work with stakeholders to deliver the agreed product.

In addition to the above the 2nd (Support) Consultant is responsible for the following:

    Review of documentation to be provided by the project (implementation/evaluation reports)
    Conducting fieldwork together with the Lead consultant and interview of stakeholders, national and local Government officials, and communities to generate authentic information and opinions.
    Writing and compilation of the information and reports as needed.
    Responsibility for presentation of key findings highlighting achievements and constra
    ints, and making practical recommendations to decision makers and stakeholders.

Duration and timing:

Item                                                                                                                                                        Timeline
Desk review of documents and preparation of inception Report (home-based)                                      4 days
Presentation of Inception Report                                                                                                              1 day
Fieldwork                                                                                                                                                  11 days
Analysis and Preparation of the Draft Report                                                                                            4 days
Draft report presentation to stakeholders workshop to validate draft report findings (in Kampala)       2 days
Incorporation of comments from the stakeholder workshop                                                                         2 days
Submission of Final report by Lead Consultant to UNDP 

Both Consultants should have the following competencies:

    Excellent analytical and communication skills with the ability to conceptualize
    Politically astute and culturally sensitive

Required Skills and Experience

Required qualifications for the Team Leader:

    PhD or Master’s Degree or equivalent in International Relations, Political Science, Economics or related social sciences

Required skills and experience for the Team Leader:

    15 years of relevant experience at the national and international levels in Uganda, East Africa on international development issues, both in the field and Head Quarters
    10 years experience in monitoring and evaluation with a background in the analysis of socio-economic issues and related policy matters
    10 years experience with conducting research using different methodologies / tools.
    10 years experience of participatory processes
    Proficiency in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience in handling of web based management systems
    Solid knowledge of the UN system including the UN agencies and policy frameworks in Uganda


    Familiarity with the UNDAF, UN agencies, mandates, programmes and activities
    Experience working in Uganda.
    Experience working with the UN
    Knowledge of Uganda political and social culture, policies/laws and programmes is an asset.
    Experience in leading small multi-disciplinary, multi-national teams to deliver quality products in high stress, short deadline situations.

Required qualifications for the 2nd (Support)  Consultant:

    PhD or Master’s Degree or equivalent in International Relations, Political Science, Economics or related social sciences

Required skills and experience for the 2nd (Support) Consultant:

    10 years of relevant experience at the national and international levels in Uganda, East Africa on international development issues,
    Substantive knowledge of participatory M&E processes is essential, and experience with CBOs/community development processes, and country experience in Uganda are advantages.
    Experience in the review/evaluation of technical assistance projects, if possible with UNDP or other UN development agencies and major donors, is required.
    Excellent English writing and communication skills.  Demonstrated ability to assess complex situations in order to analyse critical issues succinctly and clearly and draw forward-looking conclusions.

Language Requirements:

Both Consultants should have excellent English writing and communication skills. Demonstrated ability to assess complex situations in order to analyse critical issues succinctly and clearly and draw forward-looking conclusions.

Application Procedure:

Applicants are requested to apply online at . Applicants are required to submit an application and proposal, which should include the following:

Job Proposal:

    Letter of Interest.
    Explanation as to why you consider yourself suitable for the assignment.
    A brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment.

Personal C.V:

    Highlighting past experience in similar projects.
    Work references - contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees.

Financial Proposal:

    Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee, lump sum fee or unit price together with any other expenses related to the assignment (e.g. travel costs, translation interpretation, holding of workshops/focus group discussion etc).   A lump sum fee will be paid against the completion of specific, measurable deliverables as identified in ‘Key Deliverables’

Payment Schedule:

The project will be completed in 24 working days (spread over a total period of 1 month). Payment will be made against submission and approval of the outlined  deliverables by the  team. Please note that payment shall be made to individual consultants upon confirmation of completion of and contribution to all consultancy deliverables.

The payment schedule to be followed is as below:

    20% of the cost after submission and approval of the inception report
    20% of the cost after completion of the presentation
    20% of the cost after submission and approval of the draft report.
    40% of the cost after submission and approval of the final report.


    Applicants should clearly indicate the position being applied for; either(i) Team Leader: or (ii) 2nd (Support Consultant). Aplications/proposals without clear indication of the above will not be disqualified.
    The System will only allow you to upload one document. Therefore, the proposal and CV should be saved in a single document (WORD or PDF) and uploaded at the same time.
    Any form of canvassing will lead to dis-qualification of application

How to Apply:

Deadline: 10th Oct 2012

Jobs at Sound Foundation in Uganda- Education and Industry Leader

Job Title:Sound Foundation Education and Industry Leader, Kampala
Closing Date: Saturday, 10 November 2012

Sound Foundation Volunteer Project: Education and Industry Leader

Sound Foundation is offering an exciting opportunity to become part of a diverse and dynamic team working in music industry and education.

About us

Sound Foundation is an innovative social enterprise working in music education and industry, whose core value is a belief in the power of music to change lives. Sound Foundation has two principal objectives: firstly to enhance the provision of music education where it benefits most, and secondly to create a platform for talented and aspiring young artists to pursue a career in music.

Sound Foundation set down its roots in Kampala, Uganda in January 2011, and is now delivering music education to over 300 children, teaching recorder, percussion, adungu (a local stringed instrument), voice and composition across 3 schools. Alongside this, Sound Foundation has been working with a number of aspiring artists to promote their music through increased performance and recording opportunities. One of our artists, the exceptionally talented kora player Joel Sebunjo, played in concert with Ismael Lo earlier this year. Sound Foundation is supporting the set up of a music co-operative in Uganda to enable artists to create their own performance platform and collaborative projects. It also promotes collaboration between the industry and education projects through workshops and joint recordings.

As we move towards our third year of operation, Sound Foundation is seeking motivated, ambitious and creative interns to join our team.

Opportunity details

Start date: Variable (from end of October)
Project duration: 3-6 months (with possible extension)

Sound Foundation is seeking a highly confident and self-motivated individual with leadership experience to take charge of the education and industry programmes currently running in Kampala. As Education and Industry Leader you will be in charge of the following:

    Overseeing the day-to-day running of Sound Foundation's education programme: we currently employ 3 teachers and are operating in 3 schools across Kampala.

    Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation to measure the social and cognitive benefits of music education: you will be following our M&E strategies to monitor the attendance, engagement and efficacy of the education programme across the schools.

    Leading the expansion of our programme into a 4th school for the start of the new academic year January 2013.

    Organising performance opportunities for Sound Foundation's artists, to include one fundraising concert.

    Promoting collaborative opportunities between the artists and the schools through the organisation of a series of one-off workshops.

    Pursuing at least one recording project to involve a small number of artists: this could take the form of a music video or EP.

    This is a great opportunity to build your skills and gain exposure to working at grassroots level in an energetic and fast-paced organisation at a crucial stage of development. While pursuing your love of music and the arts you will have the chance to explore an exciting and vibrant city in the heart of Africa. Sound Foundation will provide you with accommodation for the duration of the project.

How to apply:

Who should apply?

We would like to hear from imaginative and adventurous individuals with excellent communication skills and a strong interest in working in the not-for-profit sector. You will have exceptional organisational and analytical skills, demonstrate an ability to lead a project independently, and be able to think both creatively and strategically. A passion for music is essential.

To apply, please send your CV (no more than 2 sides) and a 1 minute video presentation outlining why you should be chosen to Iso (

For more information, and to download an exclusive track from Joel Sebunjo, visit our website:

We look forward to hearing from you!

The Sound Foundation Team


Deadline: 10th Nov 2012

Jobs at Oxfam in Uganda- Building Coordinator

Job Title: Capacity Building Coordinator
Based in the ACCRA Project in Kampala

The Role:
  • To deliver in partnership an excellent capacity building programme that will help the team deliver the change we want to see in people's lives
  • The purpose of the role is to support a multi-stakeholder process to identify relevant, effective, sustainable and excellent opportunities to support individuals, decision makers and organizations

The Person:
  • The person we are looking for will have a graduate we are looking for will have a graduate degree, excellent project management skills and strong experience of monitoring and evaluation processes
  • Sound knowledge of capacity programmes and practice 
How to Apply:

If you think that you are our candidate, please apply on line by sending your CV and covering letter only explaining why you are our ideal candidate for the job to

Please send academic credentials with your application

Deadline: 17th Oct 2012


Jobs at Oxfam in Uganda - Communications and Learning Coordinator

Job Title: Communications and Learning Coordinator
Based in ACCRA project in Kampala

To deliver excellent learning and communications work to help the team deliver the change we want to see in people's lives
To capture and translate ACCRA research findings into accessible learning products, ensuring and reporting on their wider use.

The Person
The person will have excellent project management skills in complex projects, and familiarity with montoring and evaluation processes
They will demonstrate sound sound knowledge of electronic and print communications and demonstrable understanding of team working
Experience of developing and implementing succesiful communications strategies and a creative and innovative approach to communications, expertise in various software programes

How to Apply:
If you think that you are our candidate, please apply on line by sending your CV and covering letter only explaining why you are our ideal candidate for the job to
Please send academic credentials with your application

Deadline: 17th Oct 2012


Jobs at Nile Basin Initiative in Uganda- Project Manager

Job Title: Assistant Project Manager
 Ref: NEL/RBM/12//01

Category:  Regional Position

Eligibility: Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda Nationals

Reporting to: Project Manager Kagera River Basin Management Project

Contract Duration: 1 Year (probation 6 months) renewable depending on performance and availability of funds

1) Functions and Responsibilities:

The responsibilities for the position will include, but are not limited to:

    Assist the Project Manager to prepare, implement and manage the project work plan.
    Participate in preparation of terms of reference and contracts for consultants.
    Undertake desk and field supervision to ensure that projects are being well implemented, are accomplishing the intended objectives and recommend any necessary corrective measures
    Prepare project progress and other substantive reports.
    Providing coordination between project components to ensure achievement of overall project objectives.
    Assist in coordination of the project with other regional projects, state agencies. NGOs and the private sector
    Organizing capacity building activities.
    Organizing RPSC meetings in liaison with NELSAP-CU and providing reports of decisions.
    Assist in monitoring project progress and report to the RPSC on the progress of the project.
    Promote project outcomes, especially major investment proposals to multilateral partners

2) Qualifications and experience:

    MSc in Water Resources Engineering, Civil Engineering, Land and Water Management related field.
    At least 7 years of experience in managerial position in Government or reputable organization.
    Extensive experience and proven technical skills in the management of complex water resources management and development projects preferably in a regional context.
    Ability to conceptualize the complex problems of national and transboundary integrated water resources management for sustainable development and to apply innovative approaches and work methods
    Strong Project and Contract Management Skills with at least 5 years of practical experience in Project planning and management of hydraulic infrastructure projects
    Demonstrated experience in undertaking project cycle activities particularly project identification and preparation
    Knowledge of Sida and World Bank procedures
    Strong interpersonal relationships and ability to work in a team environment of different cultures and nationalities;
    Demonstrated skills in networking with ministry-level partners, private sector and NGOs
    Demonstrated computing skills in MS office packages, GIS and design software for engineering Projects.
    Fluency in English or French, with working knowledge of the other. Bilingualism will be an advantage.
    Experience working in the Nile Basin countries is preferred

How to Apply


The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) is a partnership of the riparian states of the Nile. Within the framework of the NBI. and on behalf of the Governments of Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, the NBl’s Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program Coordination Unit has, effective 2005, implemented the Kagera River Basin Management Project with grant financing from the Governments of Sweden and Norway and the World Bank.
The NELSAP now wishes to fill the vacant position of Assistant Project Manager in order to enhance project implementation capacity

Interested candidates should submit an online application and attach Curriculum Vitae (clearly indicating the reference number above) to the NELSAP Regional Coordinator on: copied to

Priority will be given to nationals originating tram Kagera Basin countries seeking balance among countries represented in NELSAP staff as a whole.

Applications received after the closing date shall not be considered. Only those candidates that are short-listed for the interviews will be notified. The NBI Is an equal opportunities employer and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply

Sometimes in life there is that moment when it’s possible to make a change for the better. This is one of those moments.” -Elizabeth Glaser

Deadline: 12th Oct 2012

Receptionist Job at British High Commission and DFID Uganda

Job Title: Receptionist - DFID Uganda

Reference: DFIDJOB-0267

Closing date: 15 October 2012

Interview date: Not Specified

Number of vacancies: 1

Salary: Uganda shillings31,261,538 - Uganda shillings40,415,385 per annum

Location: Kampala, Uganda

Appointment Terms: Permanent

Working Arrangements: Full time

Specific requirements:

Brief description:
Position Overview

The Receptionist will be in charge of managing the main reception area and be the first point of contact in the Organisation. They will provide professional front desk support services,  manage the switchboard, respond to general enquiries and perform some administrative duties.  They will report to the Human Resource Manager.

Key Responsibilities

    Receive visitors and promptly inform relevant staff
    Efficiently manage the front desk and the telephone switch board
    Liaise with Security team regarding visitors’ movements on the compound
    Provide a high standard of customer care
    Answer or redirect telephone enquiries
    Receive and distribute incoming mail and faxes
    Update internal and external telephone directories
    Provide administrative support services as required

Qualifications and Experience

    Minimum of a Diploma or equivalent qualification in Office Administration, Front Desk Management and Secretarial Studies or any other relevant field.
    At least 3 years experience in a Receptionist role in a busy environment
    Experience in operating a telephone switchboard
    Office Administration/ logistics experience will be an added advantage

Skills and knowledge

    Sound working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications (word, excel and outlook)
    Thorough command of the English language both written and verbal
    Excellent interpersonal skills
    A high level of organisational skills is essential

Required Competencies

    Planning and Delivery of Work
    Analysis and use of Information
    Working with Others
    Communicating with Others
    Continual Improvement

How to apply

To apply, send your CV (including contact information for three work related referees), a one page statement describing your suitability for this position and completed positive action approach form by e-mail to

Indicate the Job position in the subject title e.g. “Receptionist Vacancy.”

Please only e-mail the requested documents, do not send or attach copies of certificates, diplomas or references.

The deadline for submission of applications is 15th October 2012.

We thank all applicants for your interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted and will be required to bring original certificates and documentation for verification.

The British High Commission and DFID Uganda are Equal Opportunities Employers. We welcome all applicants, irrespective of race, colour, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, creed, beliefs or age. Selection is on merit.

Applicants must be legally authorised to work in Uganda.

Any form of lobbying will lead to automatic disqualification.

Deadline: 15th Oct 2012

Information Systems Officer Job at British High Commission and DFID in Uganda

Job Title: Information systems officer - DFID Uganda

Reference: DFIDJOB- 0269

Closing date: 15 October 2012

Interview date: Not Specified

Number of vacancies: 1

Salary: Uganda shillings31,261,538 - Uganda shillings40,415,385 per annum

Location: Kampala, Uganda

Appointment Terms: Permanent

Working Arrangements: Full time

Specific requirements:

Brief description:
Position Overview

The Information Systems Officer will be responsible for the provision of all IT services, including the Electronic Information and Records Management systems for DFID Uganda and the BHC Kampala. They will ensure the availability and reliability of the Information Systems infrastructure and offering technical advice and guidance to users.  They will be required to work closely with the Regional DFID and FCO IT Managers.
Key Responsibilities

    Provide helpdesk support to all users in DFID and the BHC.
    Effectively manage the electronic information and record management systems of DFID and the BHC and provide day-to-day assistance and guidance on information management.
    Manage, monitor, and report on the performance of the existing Information Systems infrastructure to ensure that it is within agreed service level agreement targets.
    Maintain an up-to-date inventory of all hardware and licensed software.
    Carry out server administration e.g. adding new machines, creating new data shares.
    Overseeing the roll out and implementation of both hardware and software upgrades and provide user support for the roll out of new systems.
    Enforce IT Security Procedures and ensure the integrity of the network is maintained.
    Provide basic end user training on the DFID and BHC IT and information management systems.

Qualifications and Experience

    Minimum Bachelors degree or equivalent in an Information Technology/Information Systems related field
    Minimum of 2 years relevant professional experience in information systems and a helpdesk environment
    Experience in maintaining and managing electronic information and record management systems
    Experience of IT change processes and implementing new systems, would be an advantage
    Experience of Firewalls, VPNs and Satellite Communications

Skills and knowledge

    Good working knowledge of networking and PC infrastructure
    Basic knowledge of desktop publishing and web design, would be an advantage.
    Excellent work planning and organisational skills.

Required Competencies

    Planning and Delivery of work
    Analysis and use of Information
    Decision Making
    Communicating with Others
    Working with Others

How to apply

To apply, send your CV (including contact information for three work related referees), a one page statement describing your suitability for this position and completed positive action approach form by e-mail to

Indicate the Job position in the subject title e.g.  “Information Systems Officer Vacancy.”

Please only e-mail the requested documents, do not send or attach copies of certificates, diplomas or references. 

The deadline for submission of applications is 15th October 2012.

While we thank all applicants for your interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted and will be required to bring original certificates and documentation for verification.

The British High Commission and DFID Uganda are Equal Opportunities Employers.  We welcome all applicants, irrespective of race, colour, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, creed, beliefs or age.  Selection is on merit.

Applicants must be legally authorised to work in Uganda.

Any form of lobbying will lead to automatic disqualification.

Deadline: 15t Oct 2012

Jobs at British High Commission and DFID Uganda

Job Title: Accounts Assistant
Key Responsibilities:
  • Accounts payable DFID and the British High Commission Accounting systems
  • Accounts receivable DFID and the British High Commission Accounting systems- including raising sales orders and debit memos
  • Timely preparation and distribution of cheque payments
  • Reconcile and manage suspense accounts
  • File all accounts related documents and paperwork

Qualifications and Experience:
  • Bachelors degree or equivalent in Accounting, Business Administration, Bachelor of Commerce
  • Professional qualification in accountancy- ACCA or CPA
  • A minimum of 2 years working experience in Accounts payable or Accounts Receivable
Skills and Knowledge
  • A good understanding of the Uganda tax Laws and systems applicable to the organization
  • Sound practical knowledge and use of MS Office applications, particularly Excel, word or power point
Required Competencies:
  • Planning and Deliverly of work
  • Analysis and use of information
  • communicating with others
 How to apply

To apply, send your CV (including contact information for three work related referees), a one page statement describing your suitability for this position and completed positive action approach form by e-mail to

Indicate the Job position in the subject title e.g.  “Accounts Assistant Vacancy.”

Please only e-mail the requested documents, do not send or attach copies of certificates, diplomas or references.

The deadline for submission of applications is 15th October 2012.

We thank all applicants for your interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted and will be required to bring original certificates and documentation for verification.

The British High Commission and DFID Uganda are Equal Opportunities Employers.  We welcome all applicants, irrespective of race, colour, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, creed, beliefs or age.  Selection is on merit.

Applicants must be legally authorized to work in Uganda.

Any form of lobbying will lead to automatic disqualification.

Deadline: 15th Oct 2012

Jobs at UNDP in Uganda- Programme Consultant

Job Title: Programme Support  Consultant (UGANDAN NATIONAL)

Location :     Kampala, UGANDA

Application Deadline :    12-Oct-12

Additional Category    HIV/AIDS

Type of Contract :    Individual Contract

Post Level :    National Consultant

Languages Required :


Starting Date :

(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)    05-Nov-2012

Duration of Initial Contract :    12 months

Expected Duration of Assignment :    12 months


The UNCT has adopted a “Delivering as One” approach to enable UN in Uganda to respond jointly and more effectively to national development priorities and its mandate. One of the areas that has been identified by the UNCT under the leadership and guidance of the UN Resident Coordinator is the Joint UN Programme of Support on AIDS (JUPSA) that brings together the efforts and resources of the UN system organizations to support the national AIDS response, to which UNAIDS also serves as the Secretariat. The UNAIDS Secretariat also serves as the Secretariat for the UN Cares Programme in Uganda.

Within this context, UNAIDS through UNDP is looking for a candidate who will play a key supportive role to the UNAIDS Secretariat’s mandate in the AID effectiveness agenda. The selected candidate will work under the supervision of the JUPSA Coordination Specialist.

Duties and Responsibilities

Ensure effective administrative support and financial control to coordination of the JUPSA:

    Support the planning and reporting related to the Joint Programme (JP) and Joint Team (JT).

    Plan and backstop all joint field visits and monitoring by the Joint Team.

    Prepare relevant background information for all related meetings and keep proper record of all meeting proceedings and facilitate follow up of actions.

    Support the organization of regular retreats, consultations team building of the various JT structures.

    Maintain and ensure contact list for the Joint Team is regularly updated.

    Maintaining a record of all HIV contributions to Uganda.

    Support JP budgets preparation and required budget revisions, as well as determination of unutilized funds.

    Initiate correspondence to verify data, answer queries and obtain additional information on programme update, accounts and financial transactions, as required.

    Maintain financial records and joint programme implementation monitoring systems to record and reconcile Awards, expenditures and, balances.

    Prepare background information for formulation of workplans and budgets as may be required.

Support planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the MTCT interventions in the Millennium Villages Project:

    Follow-up on implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Joint Action Plan that was developed and follow-up on issues in previous missions.

    Advocate for Millennium Villages Project (MVP) participation in National AIDS forums where the MVP can share lessons learnt and experiences in implementing the MTCT free zones. Including ADPs, United Nations Country Team (UNCT), and other national foras.

    Coordinate and arrange meetings  to continually discuss implementation issues.

    Tracking and reporting on mobilized resources.

    Coordinate related missions and joint field visits.

Support Coordination function of UN HIV in the Workplace Programme:

    Coordinate the activities and the work of the UN Cares Programme in Uganda.

    Coordinate the consolidation of inputs from agencies on activities related to the UN Cares Programme.

    Coordinate the planning and reporting on all activities of the UN cares programme.

Support Planning, Coordination and reporting related to the Combination Prevention Programme in the pilot districts:

    Coordinate the planning and reporting related to the combination prevention interventions.

    Coordinate with the members of the Joint Team (JT), districts leaders, Ministry of Local Government (LG), UAC as well as CBOs for the smooth implementation of Combination Prevention interventions.

    Support organization of regular meetings related to discussions on interventions of the Combination Prevention Programme.

    Plan and backstop joint field visits and monitoring visits by the Joint Team.


Key Competencies:

    Leadership, decision making, innovation, multi-tasking and interpersonal skills.

    Capacity to plan, manage and work as a team, negotiating and influencing to get desired outcomes.

    Ability to deliver on expectations and results.

    Work with minimum supervision.

    Advanced written and oral communication skills.

Functional Competencies:

     Demonstrates ability to identify problems and proposes solutions.

    Understands the main processes and methods of work regarding to the position.

    Possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks.

    Ability to perform a broad range of administrative activities related to operations resources management and services

    Good organizational skills.

    Ability to research, select relevant information and maintain accurate records.

Required Skills and Experience


    A Masters degree in either International Development, Social Sciences, Public Health, Public / Business Administration, Management or similar academic qualifications.


    Five years of progressively responsible programme experience and understanding of HIV/AIDS issues.

    Excellent operations of delivering as one mechanism.

    Sound experience on the operation of ATLAS and pass through funding mechanism.

    Strong IT skills, with ability to work in MS Excel, Access, Internet and Word.

    Understanding and experience in administration and/or operation of programmes at the national or international levels.

Language requirements:

    Fluency in English (both written and spoken)

How to Apply:

Applicants are requested to apply online at by the 12th October, 2012, and should submit an application and proposals, which include the following:

Job Proposal:

The job proposal should include:

    Letter of Interest.

    Explanation as to why you consider yourself suitable for the assignment.

    A brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment.

Personal CV:

    Highlighting past experience in similar projects.

    Work references - contact details (e-mail addresses and telephone numbers) of referees.

Deadline: 12th Oct 2012

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